
Showing posts with the label CREAM PIE RECIPES

Super Belatedly Lemon Cream Pie

This has to alive on the easiest pie e'er inwards improver to my picky-picky married adult man gives it ii thumbs upward (which is rare)!!  It is quick to construct inwards improver to oh thus yummy. GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs 6 tablespoons melted butter 1/3 loving loving cup of sugar Mix everything inwards improver to press into a pie plate. Bake at 350° for 8 minutes, inwards improver to together with so develop aside to cool piece yous construct the filling. FILLING (2) fourteen ounce cans of sweetened condensed milk (NOT EVAPORATED) 3 egg YOLKS     (yolks only) 2/3 loving loving cup freshly squeezed lemon juice Beat the filling ingredients with electrical mixer for 3 minutes. Pour into baked crust.  Bake at 350° for 12 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, inwards improver to together with so position inwards refrigerator for at to the lowest marking ii hours. After chilled, top with whipped cream inwards improver to serve. Any whipped

Pineapple Squares - The Perfect Potluck Dessert

The corking cooks over at Mennonite Girls Can Cook posted this recipe a few days ago. Their top dog recipe was for a 9" x 13" pan (I made a pie). It was a picayune soft for a pie, therefore side by times side 4th dimension I'm definitely making the 9"x13", b ut man-o-man is it delicious!!! It is super unproblematic to throw together inwards add-on to it keeps beautifully inward the fridge for iii or iv days. If yous lot bring a potluck, clit of slice of labor company unit of measurement of measuring gathering, or companionship coming this weekend, I hope yous lot give this recipe a try; it testament suffer a large hitting with everyone from the picayune guys to Grandpa!! CRUST 2½ cups graham cracker crumbs (see note) ½ loving loving cup melted butter (I added ¼ loving loving cup of white sugar) Mix inwards add-on to press into a 9" x 13" baking dish inwards add-on to bake at 350F for 12 minutes therefore cool. . PUDDING LAYER 1 box vanilla pudding

Peanut Butter Cloud Pie

If yous like peanut butter, this pie is a petty gustatory modality of heaven on earth. It is super tiresome to construct (even easier if yous land of undertaking a orbit made Oreo crust). It is the perfect ending to any meal; it is not heavy at all together amongst it is absolutely delicious frozen. CHOCOLATE GRAHAM CRUST 1¼ cups chocolate graham cracker crumbs ¼ loving loving cup granulated sugar ¼ loving loving cup melted butter . Mix ingredients together amongst press into a 9" pie plate. Bake at 375 for 10 minutes together amongst hence cool completely before filling. . FILLING 8 ounces cream cheese (room temperature) 1 loving loving cup creamy peanut butter 1 loving loving cup powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1½ cups heavy whipping cream . Beat the cream cheese together amongst powdered carbohydrate until well mixed ; add together together the peanut butter together amongst vanilla together amongst musical musical rhythm out on high until actuall

Light As Air Peanut Butter Pie

Most peanut butter recipes like this are way to "heavy" together with way to sweet, exactly this i is PERFECT, it's more than like a visible lamp mousse.  Double the ingredients together with spot it inwards a 9x13 dish together with it testament disappear from ANY buffet tabular array inwards a wink, followed past times times lots of requests for the recipe.  IT IS LIGHT AS AIR !!!!! 9" Pie or double the ingredients and make a 9" ten 13" size for a crowd  CRUST 2 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/4 loving loving cup sugar 1/4 loving loving cup melted butter Combine all crust ingredients together with press into a 9" pie pan (pushing upwards the sides) sit down downwardly it inwards the fridge land y'all lot are making the filling. FILLING 8 ounce package of cream cheese, room temperature 1 cup  creamy peanut butter  (I business office Jiff) 1 loving loving cup sugar 1 tablespoons soft butter 1 teaspoons vanilla 1 loving

Chocolate-Vanilla Cheesecake

I served this delicious novel recipe lastly weekend. Hubby besides I couldn't halt nibbling on it. It has a bottom chocolate layer besides a top vanilla layer, besides thus I topped it amongst my newly discovered cream cheese-whipped cream. Talk nearly a one-two punch!! It is super quick to build besides baked upward without a single "crack". CHEESECAKE 4 squares semi-sweet baking chocolate (2) 8 ounce cream cheese (divided) 1/2 loving loving cup refined saccharify (divided) 2 eggs (divided) (1) one-half dozen ounce Oreo pie crust 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Microwave the chocolate (on high) for 1½ minutes (stirring every 30 seconds) or until completely melted. My microwave solitary took nearly l seconds. To the melted chocolate, add together together i 8 ounce bundle of cream cheese, 1/4 loving loving cup of white refined saccharify besides i egg. Beat until skillful mixed besides pour into Oreo crust. In a different bowl, mix i 8 ounce bundle of cream chee

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Mousse Pie

A graham cracker and chopped peanut crust, covered with a rich chocolate ganache layer, likewise hence topped with a layer of sweet, creamy, peanut butter mousse. Does it driblet dead whatsoever ameliorate than that? This no-bake pie is slow to build likewise totally satisfying!! 1 loving loving cup graham cracker crumbs 1/3 loving loving cup honey-roasted peanuts finely chopped 6 tablespoons butter ( room temperature) 1½ cups whipping cream (divided) (1) 14 ounce tin give the axe of sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated) 1½ cups semisweet chocolate chips (2) 3 ounce cream cheese (room temperature) ¾ loving loving cup creamy peanut butter Mix graham cracker crumbs, chopped peanuts likewise melted butter. Spread on the bottom likewise upward the sides of an ungreased 9" pie plate (set aside). Microwave 1 half loving loving cup of whipping cream for ii minutes (on high). Stir inward one half cup of sweetened condensed milk likewise the chocolate chips. Stir

Butterscotch Cream Pie

Picky-Picky wife has declared this pie his all quaternary dimension favorite. I like it because of the sweetness every bit good every bit flaky crust, the true butterscotch flavour every bit good every bit the stabilized whipped cream topping (I guess it is my favorite too). BLUE RIBBON SWEET AND FLAKY PIE CRUST  (three 10" crusts) 4 cups all purpose flour 1 3/4 cups butter flavored Crisco 3 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg  lightly beaten 1/2 loving loving cup usual cold water Cut the butter flavored Crisco into the flour (I direct keep never made this with butter, every bit good every bit thence I can't comment on that). When the Crisco is virtually the size of a small-scale pea, add together together the repose of the ingredients every bit good every bit mix with your hands until it comes together inwards a ball. Cover every bit good every bit let sit down downwards on the counter for virtually xv minutes before yous curl it out. Roll i thi