Old Fashioned Banana Splits

It is lastly barbecue season!! So, why not stop off your cookout alongside a goodness old-fashioned classic banana split, complete with home made toppings? Your enterprise unit of measurement of measuring testament dearest them!! Below yous testament abide by the recipes for three fantabulous H2O H2O ice cream toppings. They inwards determination upwardly to a calendar calendar week inwards the fridge, also thus teach ahead also construct them ahead of time. FUDGE TOPPING 2/3 loving loving cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 also 2/3 cups white sugar 1 and 1/4 cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons calorie-free corn syrup In a large sauce pan, over medium heat, combine the cocoa, carbohydrate also milk. Bring it to a boil (stirring) also allow it boil for i minute. Remove from rut also stir inwards the vanilla. Tastes goodness warm or cold. STORE IN THE REFRIGERATOR. FRESH STRAWBERRY TOPPING 1 pound ripe strawberries (washed also hulled) ...