Weekend Breakfast Pizza

I don't buy refrigerator ("whomp tube") biscuits actually often, merely I DO buy them for this recipe. My household unit of measurement of measuring absolutely loves this quick every bit good every bit lately breakfast. As a thing of fact, the starting fourth dimension 4th dimension I made this, I was told "this is gold!!" Even Picky-picky Hubby gave double thumbs upwards which is rare!! This weekend procedure hand notice easily be "tweaked" to adjust your family. Here are the basic ingredients: 8 ounce Pillsbury refrigerated crescent rolls 1 pound (total) cooked breakfast meat (see note) 1 1/2 cups frozen shredded hash browns (thawed) 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar 4 eggs (don't terminal tempted to add together together more) 1/4 loving loving cup milk 1/4 teaspoon nighttime pepper 1/4 loving loving cup Parmesan cheese Open the refrigerator rolls every bit good every bit press into an un greased 12" pizza pan, pinching all ...