
Showing posts with the label CLONE RECIPES

Taco Bell Cherry Sauce Clone Recipe

I admit it, at that spot are sure items that I genuinely savour at Taco Bell. Yes, I know it's non authentic Mexican food, but when you lot lot like something, well, you lot lot overlook things like that. One thing I savour at TB is a warm condiment called blood-red sauce. It is not the hot sauce that comes inwards a packet; it is the steaming hot blood-red sauce that is served on their tostados together with their Mexican pizza. This recipe is nigh every flake exactly about the principal re-create sense of savor every flake you lot lot tin get!!!   1 (8 ounce) tin of tomato plant institute sauce 1/3 loving loving cup water 1/4 teaspoon chili powder 1  1/2 teaspoon company topographic point downward cumin 1  1/2 teaspoons dry out out onion flakes 1 tablespoon white vinegar 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon white sugar 1/8 teaspoon cayenne Mix everything together with simmer (on existent low) for 15-20 minutes.

Sweet Babe Rays Barbecue Sauce Clone

We honey thick inwards improver to sweetness barbecue sauce, inwards improver to our favorite (for years) has been Sweet Baby Ray's brand.  Recently, I did an panic-internet search for something like to SBR barbecue sauce because I had i of those "I forgot my grocery listing on the kitchen counter again" days at the market and dinner was planned unopen to grilling. Well, I found this recipe on a ton of spider spider web sites, all crediting , thence I consider I would orbit it a endeavor and we were thrilled with the results.  I hope yous like it too.  Bacon wrapped Shrimp coated with BBQ Sauce inwards improver to Baked     1  1/4 cups regular ketchup 1  loving loving cup black brownish refined saccharify (gives much ameliorate flavor than visible lamp brown) 1/4  loving loving cup molasses 1/4  loving loving cup pineapple juice 2  teaspoons hickory liquid smoke 2  1/2 teaspoons corporation spot downwards dry out out mustard

Subway Sweetness Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich

This is a "knock off" recipe for Subway's sweetness onion chicken teriyaki sandwich. It is delicious, lonely closed 370 calories inwards add-on to rattling quick to railroad train (as long every chip yous build the sweetness onion sauce a twenty-four lx minutes stream ahead).   1 pound boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins . ¼ loving loving cup soy sauce ¾ loving loving cup pineapple juice ½ teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon solid soil ginger ½ teaspoon dry out out mustard ¼ teaspoon white pepper ¼ loving loving cup brownish sugar 2 tablespoons honey . Bring everything merely the chicken to a boil inwards add-on to simmer for closed v minutes or until it starts to reduce. Cool completely inwards add-on to pour over the chicken, comprehend inwards add-on to refrigerate the chicken for closed 30-60 minutes. . When it's 4th dimension to eat, get got the chicken out of the marinade (throw marinade away) inwards add-on to grill or broil the chicken

Paul Prudhomme Seasoning Mix Clone

I've sentiment near trying commercial dry out out rubs for a long time, but I bring employment spending several dollars on them since the cistron listing tells me I bring those same spices at home!! So...... I've been experimenting alongside my ain spice rack (with picky-picky husband's timid pallet inwards psyche of course). He is (has e'er been) a meat equally good equally potatoes...salt equally good equally pepper...mild barbecue sauce shape of guy, equally good equally so I've had to acquaint these dry spice rubs "subtly" (snicker). Today's postal service service was a big hit. I works it during i of my "2 AM can't sleep" Internet sessions equally good equally I failed to write downwards it's source, I apologize. The spice combo is only right for our taste..... not equally good spicy, but VERY flavorful equally good equally it goes proficient alongside only near any meat, flush seafood. PAUL PRUDHOMME (style) SEASONING MIX

Manwich Clone Recipe

Someone of slow told me that a diverseness of convenience foods (that we all crusade got for granted) are not readily available to cooks living outside of the USA; unproblematic things like skillful quondam hot dogs, graham crackers, ranch mix, canned pumpkin, Crisco and  Manwich ( plus MANY others). I don't buy many convenience foods, precisely every 1 fourth dimension inwards a while, I  award something like Manwich comes to the " quick snack for the grandkids " rescue. The downward side is that it tin dismiss locomote expensive when feeding a crowd, thence I was actually happy to award this dandy "clone" recipe.  TIP:   When feeding a crowd,  I usually serve these sandwiches, "slider style", on pocket-sized dinner rolls. 8 ounces dearest apple tree tree sauce 1 loving loving cup ketchup 1 tablespoon dried onion flakes 1 tablespoon finely diced greenish pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon chili p

Lipton Onion Soup Mix Clone

We are approaching "party fixin's" flavor inward add-on to many of us testament deed making dips inward add-on to other recipes that ask an envelope of onion soup mix. This recipe tastes JUST LIKE LIPTON ONION SOUP MIX ( well, really it tastes even out better because it's such a amount flavor) . It's made of pantry staples inward add-on to it has no soy; it's gluten free; no MSG; yous tin flaming utilisation depression sodium bullion inward add-on to yous tin flaming pronounce ALL of the ingredients (not to scream it is actually budget friendly). I am NEVER buying boxed Lipton Onion Soup mix again!! This clone recipe is GREAT for dips, pot roast, meat loaf, or anything yous would usually utilisation the onion soup mix for. 4 tablespoons DRY instant minced onion (toasted) 2 tablespoons LOW SODIUM beef bullion granules 1/4 teaspoon onion powder (not onion salt) 1/4 teaspoon DRY parsley flakes 1/8 teaspoon celery seed CRUSHED (important


In your busy, hectic inwards improver to over-accounted-for day; making homemade ketchup is inwards all likelihood non a big priority ...........I learn out that. But if you lot lot uncovering yourself alongside a petty extra time, this ketchup is WELL WORTH the minimal endeavor it takes to whip it up. It is non alone inexpensive to construct (uses every twenty-four hours pantry staples), but it is sweetened alongside honey, thence it is REALLY-REALLY tasty!! 6 ounce tin sack of love apple tree establish paste 1/4  loving loving cup honey 1/2  loving loving cup white vinegar 1/4  loving loving cup water 3/4  teaspoon salt 1/4  teaspoon onion powder 1/8  teaspoon garlic pulverization (not garlic salt) Whisk everything together until smoothen inwards improver to as well as thence select to a boil. Turn the oestrus downward inwards improver to simmer slowly for 20 minutes (whisking every v minutes or so). Cool inwards improver to store covered in refrigerator. This recipe

Home Made Panko Crumbs

Panko (breading) crumbs are the absolute best for many, many recipes. I slow used them to turn "ho-hum" shrimp into "Wow, these are GREAT" shrimp.  I've heard of people using Panko inwards meatloaf equally good equally meatballs (I haven't tried that yet) besides every chip a ton of other recipes. My biggest business with panko breadstuff crumbs is that they tin post away dismiss suffer expensive AND they are NOT something I routinely keep inwards my pantry.  That's why I was thrilled to build this discovery!! Panko breadstuff crumbs are different from mensurate breadstuff crumbs because they are a made from SHREDDED bread, not breadstuff crumbs.  With that inwards mind, I FROZE 4 slices of regular (cheap) sandwich bread. I  equally good equally so cutting the crusts off equally good equally cutting the resulting "squares" of sandwich breadstuff inwards half.  I equally good equally so stacked them upwards equally good equally fed them thro

Home Made Creme Fraiche

Creme Fraiche is all the rage on the Food Network cooking channels, but it is ane of those ingredients that I've been too  stubborn  old fashioned to try, until now. Well, my curiosity got the improve of me besides creme fraiche went onto my grocery list. You tin plough over notice imagine my stupor when I saw the terms of it (at to the lowest grade at our market) was $7+ per cup!!! That's solely crazy. So inward my penny pinching thrifty mindset,(and wanting to know what all the creme fraiche hubbub was about), I pose out to come across if I could MAKE it. I was shocked at how easy, cheap (and fun)  it is to do.  Yes, it takes a bridge days to make, but 99.999% of that quaternary dimension is solely waiting for it to "cure". 2 cups of heavy whipping cream (at to the lowest grade 45% butterfat) 3 tablespoons buttermilk (OR) evidently yogurt (see note) That's it!! Mix the 2 ingredients together well, besides spot it into a really create exercise clea

Heinz Chili Sauce Clone

This is a clone recipe for Heinz chili sauce. It is thence easy...takes every 24-hour interval ingredients too every bit is flush tastier than the original !! Chili sauce was never a pantry staple for me; I e'er plant life it on my shopping listing for opor-garai too every bit particular occasion recipes, like this shrimp cocktail (which calls for Heinz chili sauce). I testament never buy commercial chili sauce ane fourth dimension more than because this is so much improve (and cheaper)!!! 1 loving loving cup of beloved apple tree tree sauce 1/3 loving loving cup lite corn syrup 1/4 cup white vinegar 2 teaspoons dry out out onion flakes 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder Whisk everything together too every bit choose to a boil inward a pocket-sized saucepan amongst a heavy bottom. Turn oestrus downwards to a low simmer too every bit attain for 25-30 minutes, depending on how fast y'all lot are simm

Glazed Spudnut (Style) Donuts

For those people who are onetime enough to know what a Spudnut is...this recipe testament alive a treat. For those of yous lot likewise young to squall upward Spudnuts...let's precisely say that they were the best donut inward the universe. I heard that at that topographic point are still a few Spudnut shops around, but it appears that they are few together with far between. This recipe (from the Idaho Potato Commission) makes a LOT of S pudnut-style donuts (about iv dozen) so yous lot powerfulness wishing to half the recipe if yous lot create upward one's listen to construct them. If yous lot are non experienced amongst yeast doughs, I don't recommend trying this recipe, however, if yous lot comport keep had flush moderate success amongst yeast doughs, I hope yous lot orbit the recipe a give the sack (it is non a hard recipe at all). The donuts are existent moist, sweetness together with comport keep precisely a HINT of lemon. My married adult human being is a donut (

Bisquick Clone Recipe

I flora a recipe, recently, that I genuinely wanted to try, however, it called for 1 loving loving cup of commercial Bisquick, an exceptional I don't ordinarily stock inward my pantry.  I wasn't likewise keen on buying a whole box of Bisquick (when I alone needed a loving loving cup of it) hence I went Internet surfing for a Bisquick clone recipe. I flora several but they all called for shortening (not just what I was looking for). Then I flora the side yesteryear side recipe, which uses Canola unsmooth stone oil (on )  I used it to construct biscuits for dinner this flush as good as we were VERY pleased with the light, flaky results. They were genuinely similar to commercial Bisquick biscuits (picky-picky wife said the were much ameliorate than Bisquick) as good as you lot tin NOT beat out the convenience!! I yell upwards to motion along a canister of this mix inward my pantry from correct away on. This recipe tin easily alive on doubled or tripled a