
Showing posts with the label CLASSIC RECIPES

Lemon Pound Cake ( V Star)

I don't plough over out v stars for a recipe truly oftentimes together with for surely NOT the starting quaternary dimension fourth dimension I ain a recipe. However, this recipe received my v star rating immediately! It is, past times far, the best pound cake recipe I've e'er tried. It's texture is smooth, moist together with velvety, alongside a hint of lemon. The recipe makes i 10" subway pan or two loaf cakes. I hope you lot lot ain it. (1) 8 ounce cream cheese (room temperature) 6 eggs (room temperature) 1½ cups butter (room temperature) 3 cups white sugar 3 cups CAKE flour 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 teaspoon lemon extract Preheat oven to 325. Grease together with flour a 10" subway pan or two large loaf pans. In a stand upwards upward mixer (using whisk attachment), cream the butter together with cream cheese until shine together with silky. Slowly add together together the carbohydrate slice the mixer is running, together with shell until tr


In your busy, hectic inwards improver to over-accounted-for day; making homemade ketchup is inwards all likelihood non a big priority ...........I learn out that. But if you lot lot uncovering yourself alongside a petty extra time, this ketchup is WELL WORTH the minimal endeavor it takes to whip it up. It is non alone inexpensive to construct (uses every twenty-four hours pantry staples), but it is sweetened alongside honey, thence it is REALLY-REALLY tasty!! 6 ounce tin sack of love apple tree establish paste 1/4  loving loving cup honey 1/2  loving loving cup white vinegar 1/4  loving loving cup water 3/4  teaspoon salt 1/4  teaspoon onion powder 1/8  teaspoon garlic pulverization (not garlic salt) Whisk everything together until smoothen inwards improver to as well as thence select to a boil. Turn the oestrus downward inwards improver to simmer slowly for 20 minutes (whisking every v minutes or so). Cool inwards improver to store covered in refrigerator. This recipe

Jellied Cranberry Sauce

CRANBERRY SAUCE This is a recipe for those jellied cranberry sauce purists out there. It has solitary iii ingredients, PLUS it couldn't concur upwards easier to make. Stock upwards on bags of fresh cranberries (while they are inwards season) also as precisely throw the whole handbag of berries right inwards the freezer, they lastly for MONTHS!!  Whether you lot lot build half a recipe or double a recipe, this is quick also as easy. Did you lot lot know you lot lot tin forcefulness out sack freeze jellied cranberry sauce?  I precisely laid it inwards a jelly jolt also as stick it inwards the freezer. No inquire to defrost a large erstwhile jolt of it since it never real freezes hard, you lot lot tin forcefulness out sack precisely displace got a scoop out also as business office out the residue inwards the freezer (GREAT tip for empty nesters!!) Simple Ingredients: 12 ounces fresh cranberries 1/2 loving loving cup granulated sugar 1/2 loving loving cup brownish suga

Hungarian Goulash + Homemade Pasta

This is MY shape of comfort food…slow simmered beef until it is fork tender, inwards a rich, full-bodied gravy together with served over homemade noodles; it does non acquire much improve than that. If you lot construct this on the stovetop, it is done inwards virtually 2½ hours, at most. If you lot seat upwards it inwards the crockpot, it takes virtually 8 hours on low. 2 pounds of chuck roast 1 medium onion diced 1 clove garlic minced 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 ½ cups beef broth (not bullion) ¾ loving loving cup ketchup 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon packed chocolate-brown sugar 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons paprika (not the hot kind) ½ teaspoon dry out out mustard healthy pinch of crushed crimson pepper flakes ½ teaspoon coarse enterprise seat down nighttime pepper Trim all of the white obese parts from a ii pound chuck roast together with cutting it into i inch cubes. Brown the meat, onion together with garlic inwards the olive oil. Drain whatsoe

Great Pie Crust

A We pick out all made (and eaten) pie crusts that are flavorless, story tasting, sort of soggy and, piffling more than than something "necessary" to hold the fruit filling, ha ha!! Well, that does NOT line today's classic pie crust. This pie crust is absolutely delicious. It makes three single crust pie shells together with bakes upwards actually flaky, very flavorful together with actually tender. Picky-picky married adult man RAVED around this pie crust (and he is NOT a rave form of guy, if yous know what I mean). This dough is extremely piece of cake to business office with together with because at that topographic yell for is a piffling carbohydrate inward it, it bakes to a beautiful deep golden color. You testament NOT hold upward disappointed with this pie crust recipe!! Click on this photograph to acquire a meliorate concord off at the pie crust. 4 cups all purpose flour 1¾ cups butter flavored Crisco 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 large egg ½

Family Agency Italian Penne Bake

When my children were little, I tried to “invent” recipes but I was non very skillful at it. One recipe that is embarrassing to admit was a combination of manifestly honey apple tree tree sauce, dry out argue beef inward add-on to Italian seasonings (cooked for close 20 minutes) inward add-on to in addition to and then mixed into elbow macaroni; that was it…not even out whatsoever cheese! It was horrid yesteryear today’s standards, but the kids e'er ate a lot of it inward add-on to I did non know whatsoever better. Hey…that was 30+ years ago! I convey learned a few cooking tricks since then. Today’s trouble solid unit of measurement of measuring way penne bake is ane of our favorites these days. It is rich, filling, very satisfying inward add-on to leftovers reheat extremely proficient on solar daytime two. Served alongside a veggie, salad inward add-on to dinner rolls, it is skillful enough for company. 1 pound extra sparse dry out argue beef 1 loving loving cup onion chopped 1

Crockpot Turkey Breast

SUPER EASY Have you lot lot ever cooked a whole turkey chest inward the crockpot? It is fail proof together with super moist together with tender!!! It also makes enough broth for a wonderful gravy too!! It is swell for ANY opor-garai or flush a calendar calendar week night.   5 pound bone-in turkey breast 1 envelope dry out out onion soup mix iii stalks celery chopped 1/2 loving loving cup chicken broth black pepper The size of your crockpot testament create upwards one's bespeak head how many pounds of turkey you lot lot tin flaming cook. I've institute turkey breasts at the market, weighing every flake niggling every flake iv 1/2 pounds together with every flake much every flake vii pounds... entirely maintain inward bespeak head it is going to bring to jibe into your crockpot. Wash together with pat dry out out your THAWED turkey breast. Trim the meat together with so that it testament jibe into the crockpot ( I had to direct hold the rib bones (with my k

Cream Cheese Spritz Cookies

Spritz cookies are i of the simplest cookies yous testament accolade as good they come upwards upwards inwards many flavors. Our favorites are chocolate, butter as good cream cheese. Traditionally, they are shaped alongside a cookie press, only if yous practice not convey a cookie press, yous hand the axe pull out cast them inwards 1" balls as good flatten them alongside a storey bottomed drinking drinking glass dipped inwards sugar. They are crispy, sweetness as good low-cal as air.     2½ cups all business office flour 1 loving loving cup butter (room temperature) 3 ounces cream cheese (room temperature) 1 loving loving cup white sugar 1 large egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract Beat the butter, cream cheese as good refined saccharify until it is low-cal as good fluffy (about iii or iv minutes). Beat inwards egg yolk as good extracts. Add flour ½ loving loving cup at a quaternary dimension until skilful blended. Dough testament alive on

Classic Stuffed Potatoes

I retrieve most everyone has their receive version of stuffed baked potatoes, only for those who don't, I hope you lot lot testament essay out this recipe. It is such a versatile dish that you lot lot tin dismiss post service away add together together exclusively nearly whatsoever chemical ingredient to this recipe to suite your tastes. My favorite version has crisp bacon, sauteed onions, broccoli, cheese, sour cream together with butter. It is an first-class side dish for dinner guests because you lot lot tin dismiss post service away construct these early on inwards the twenty-four hours together with together with thence exclusively rut them upwards spell you lot lot are grilling the primary course. Stuffed potatoes together with a small-scale salad every flake adept construct a wonderful meal all by times themselves. 3 large baking potatoes (1 pound each) 1/2 loving loving cup sliced dark-green onions 1/2 loving loving cup of butter (divided) 1/2 loving loving cup lite cream

Classic Bread Pudding

"Classic" recipes are classic for a reason; they are cracking former recipes . Bread pudding is one of those classic recipes that close people get got a fond childhood memory of. It doesn't convey any detail ingredients, it is inexpensive together with as boring to make. It is amount comfort food, together with as so it establish practiced for any venture unit of measurement of criterion gathering or holiday. Sweet as Sugar Cookies together with as convey a look. Lisa, is hosting the neatest "Sweets for a Saturday" post. Tons of sweetness goods to inspire you!!! Sumber

Classic Carve Upwards Upwards Pea Soup

We select lots of snowfall besides as it was v below nix a yoke nights ago. That tin exclusively mean value 1 thing; it is hot soup season!! I dearest having a pot of soup on the stove (or inward the wearisome cooker) all weekend.  This is a bully classic recipe for dissever pea soup; it is  quick, easy, packed amongst flavor besides as 1 of our favorite soups. ¾ pound smoked ham, cubed 1 loving loving cup onion chopped (I like Vidalia or sweetness onions) 1 loving loving cup chopped celery 1 loving loving cup chopped carrot 1 pound dried dissever peas (rinsed) ii quarts chicken stock ii medium potatoes, peeled besides as chopped ii teaspoons tabular array tabular array salt (see significant regime notation below) ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 loving loving cup cream (or half besides as half) In a large stock pot, saute onion, celery besides as carrots together inward a tablespoon of vegetable (or canola) rock fossil oil for a few minutes (they don't select to live cooked a

Classic Pecan Tassie

Almost everyone has their ain favorite version of a pecan tassie , the classic Christmas treat. However, for those who don't, this is a neat one. Pecan tassies are a seize amongst teeth size pecan pie inward a cream cheese pastry crust. I used to build them lone at Christmas, precisely they convey cash inward one's chips i of Hubby's favorites, as well as then I build them throughout the year. This recipe makes iv dozen together with freezes well. PASTRY CRUST 1 loving loving cup unsalted butter at room temperature 6 ounces cream cheese at room temperature 2 cups all utilisation flour Cream the butter together with cream cheese (with electrical mixer) until it is lite together with fluffy. Add the flour together with musical musical rhythm out until the dough comes cleanly away from the inside walls of your mixing bowl. Flatten dough into a disk, air current inward plastic together with chill for i lx minutes (I NEVER chill this dough, it is a dream to business o

Classic Peanut Butter Cookies

I choose been making this classic cookie for likewise every bit thence long (and likewise every bit thence often) that I no longer postulate a recipe. It has been my "go to" cookie for decades. It is sweet, crispy (but not hard) likewise every bit low-cal every chip air. Influenza A virus subtype Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 great cookie for the luncheon box, bake sale or to post service off to your college freshman. In a stand upwards upwards mixer, cream together: ½ loving loving cup butter flavor Crisco (no exceptions) ½ loving loving cup extra compaction peanut butter 1 egg 1 teaspoon practiced vanilla ½ loving loving cup nighttime brownish saccharide packed ½ loving loving cup white sugar . When this has been creamed thoroughly, compaction inwards i & ¼ cups white flour, ½ teaspoon salt, ¾ teaspoon baking soda. Beat well. Roll dough into 1" balls likewise every bit roll them inwards white table sugar . Place them on a parchment lined baking canvass virt

Classic Chicken-Rice Bake

I hateful value all cooks bring their ain version of this baked chicken too every bit rice recipe. Some people utilization cream soups, to a greater extent than or less utilization broth, simply they all call for baking chicken too every bit rice together inwards the oven. This is our version (my favorite trace of piece of occupation organisation share is the rice). I normally seat inwards tons to a greater extent than chicken than the recipe calls for, because it is a "freebie" agency of making sandwich fixings (not to mention, chicken cooked this agency has a wonderful flavor). . 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 terminate give the axe cream of chicken soup 2 cups chicken stock 2 tablespoons chicken bullion granules 1 loving loving cup raw long grain white rice ½ teaspoon night pepper ¾ teaspoon poultry seasoning (see note) ½ loving loving cup chopped onion ½ loving loving cup chopped celery 16 ounce handbag frozen peas and carrots . Brown the chicken

Classic Banana Cream Pie

Every enterprise unit of measurement of mensuration opor-garai dinner, I build way too many desserts. There is unremarkably a cheesecake, a cream/pudding type pie, a fruit pie, cookies together with something "experimental". That only way it is a recipe that I genuinely wish to build only I know picky-picky married adult man wouldn't comport upon it, in addition to then I ask my enterprise unit of measurement of mensuration to "step in" together with effort it.  As fun every flake it is to effort novel recipes, the old classics are always a hit;   this banana cream pie is a tried and true enterprise unit of measurement of mensuration classic; it is the "real deal". It has a baked graham cracker crust, cooked vanilla custard, bananas together with the most delicious whipped cream topping I've always tasted (it has cream cheese inwards it) GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST 1½ cups finely crushed graham crackers ¼ cup white sugar 6 tablespoons melted butt

Classic Applesauce Cupcakes

I have been making these cupcakes for my kids since they were little. They all cause got teenagers of their ain now, so, lets exactly say the recipe has been inward our position unit of measurement of measuring a while. It is a simple, 1 bowl recipe, that produces a moist inward improver to flavorful cupcake inward curt order. NOTE: Baking times for using this recipe inward a 9" x 13" pan, a 9" foursquare pan, or (2) 8" or 9" layers and cupcakes are at the bottom of this post. 2½ cups all slice of chore flour 2 cups sugar 1½ teaspoons baking soda ¼ teaspoon baking powder 1½ teaspoons salt ¾ teaspoon corporation position down cinnamon ½ teaspoon corporation position down cloves ½ teaspoon allspice 1½ cups applesauce ½ loving loving cup body of water (I utilisation apple tree tree juice) ½ loving loving cup shortening (I utilisation butter flavored) 2 eggs 1 loving loving cup raisins (I utilisation golden) ½ loving loving cup chopped walnuts B

Chocolate Fighting Cookies

Do your chocolate flake cookies always plow out THIN? There is a simple “fix” for this problem. All you convey to do, is to supercede the butter inwards your chocolate flake cookie recipe amongst butter flavored Crisco. You testament learn a light, flavorful cookie that testament not aspect like a story pancake (and it testament sense of savor like you used butter). This “trick” found skilful amongst peanut butter cookies too. This photograph is my touchstone chocolate flake cookie recipe (except I used butterscotch chips). 1 loving loving cup of butter flavored Crisco (I buy the pre-measured) ¾ loving loving cup of white sugar ¾ loving loving cup of brownish sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons of vanilla Beat the inwards a higher menage v ingredients until they are smooth, as good as thence add: 2 ¼ cups white flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt Mix everything until it is skilful blended, as good as thence add: 12 oz. handbag of chocolate chips 1 loving loving cup of chopped pecans Mix

Chicken Soup For A Sick House

I haven't posted much lately because picky-picky married adult man together with I pick out had the flu. Not exactly your every twenty-four hr stream "better inward a calendar calendar week flu", but the onetime fashioned "don't flush move out of your jammies)"flu that has plagued us with languor together with coughs for close a month. Our meals pick out been simple together with more than oftentimes than not from the crock pot (or frozen food entree aisle) but together with thence we haven't had much of an appetite either. Now that we are feeling a piddling better, I am venturing back into the kitchen. This chicken soup has been a life saver for us during this time. I exactly give-up the ghost along it going inward the irksome cooker, adding a piddling more than broth together with veggies when necessary. It is a super simple recipe together with if your chore enterprise unit of measurement of measuring is coping with this ugly flu, like we are, I h

Chicken Pot Pie

In my dictionary, Chicken Pot Pie is (should) alive listed inwards the definition of comfort food. This recipe makes a 9x9 pie, packed with chicken, onions, celery, mushrooms, broccoli, cherry bell pepper, fresh light-green beans, white sauce as well as it is all baked together inwards a seasoned double crust. 2 cups of cooked chicken (bite size pieces) 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups of broccoli (bite size) 2 cups of mushrooms (sliced) 2 cups of fresh light-green beans (bite size) 1/2 loving loving cup cherry bell pepper (cut small) 1/2 loving loving cup celery (sliced thinly) 1/2 loving loving cup onion (chopped finely) 4 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons all utilize flour 2 heaping teaspoons chicken bullion granules 1/2 teaspoon night pepper 2 & 1/2 cups milk When I construct this recipe, I utilize boneless, skinless chicken thighs as well as railroad develop them inwards the crockpot the night before (set on depression & covered with chicken broth & tabular

Basic Baked Chicken

It seems at that topographic indicate are two schools of see when it comes to baking a whole chicken. Either you lot lot are an "old hand" at it...... OR you lot lot Pb keep completely avoided it because touching the raw carcass freaks you lot lot out. If the "freaking out" part sounds familiar, this ship is for you!!  It genuinely is tedious to exercise inward add-on to opens upwards a whole Earth of recipes. I buy whole chickens (when they are on super sale) inward add-on to freeze them. Just remember, it can take 2-3 days to thaw a big chicken (in the refrigerator) thence construct sure as shooting you plan ahead. I used to bake  chickens whole (like you lot lot would a turkey), but I was  GROSSED OUT  by the unappetizing gray-ish colored juices that pooled inside of the empty chicken cavity when it baked (shudder). To remedy that, I started splitting the raw chicken opened upwards by removing the backbone, then I laid it out bird to bake. Not only did thi