Chicken Soup For A Sick House

I haven't posted much lately because picky-picky married adult man together with I pick out had the flu. Not exactly your every twenty-four hr stream "better inward a calendar calendar week flu", but the onetime fashioned "don't flush move out of your jammies)"flu that has plagued us with languor together with coughs for close a month.

Our meals pick out been simple together with more than oftentimes than not from the crock pot (or frozen food entree aisle) but together with thence we haven't had much of an appetite either. Now that we are feeling a piddling better, I am venturing back into the kitchen.

This chicken soup has been a life saver for us during this time. I exactly give-up the ghost along it going inward the irksome cooker, adding a piddling more than broth together with veggies when necessary. It is a super simple recipe together with if your chore enterprise unit of measurement of measuring is coping with this ugly flu, like we are, I hope yous testament achieve this magic "elixer" a try.

6 large boneless-skinless chicken thighs (dark meat has the best flavor)
1 loving loving cup chopped onion (I like to piece of occupation sweetness onions)
1 loving loving cup chopped celery
1 loving loving cup chopped carrot
2 quarts of good chicken stock (I piece of occupation the boxed kind)
1 tablespoon chicken bullion granules
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
pinch of dried thyme
pinch of poultry seasoning
2 cups favorite veggies (I piece of occupation frozen mixed veggies)
spaghetti or fettuccine noodles (they grip upwards meliorate than other noodles)

Cube together with dark-brown the chicken thighs inward a tablespoon of stone crude until yous acquire dark-brown crusty spots on the chicken. Remove from pan together with seat it into the crock pot. In the same pan, saute the onion, celery together with carrot until they acquire a piddling soft. Use a spatula together with piece of occupation the moisture inward the veggies to de-glaze whatever crusty bits left inward the bottom of the pan. Add this mixture into the crock pot ; those crusty dark-brown bits inward the pan are PACKED with chicken flavor.

Add the broth, ii cups favorite veggies, bullion granules together with tabular array common salt together with pepper. Stir together with seat on high for close half-dozen hours, stirring ane fourth dimension inward a while. Half an lx minutes before yous serve this soup, interruption the noodles into 4" pieces together with seat into hot broth together with stir. The noodles should suffer seat to swallow inward close thirty minutes.

NOTE: I pick out tried many different kinds of noodles inward this soup. Spaghetti seems to grip upwards the best without turning to mush if yous are cooking the soup for a long 4th dimension or overnight. I also piece of occupation rice instead of noodles, however, DO NOT seat the rice into the soup because afterward a curt while, it testament deteriorate together with build your soup a mushy mess. Instead, build the rice SEPARATELY together with seat a large spoon of it inward your soup bowl together with ladle the soup OVER the rice. It exclusively took me close 10 years to figure this line a fast 1 on out.

NOTE: Any cutting of chicken testament operate inward the soup, however, the black meat gives the most flavor together with afterward half-dozen hours, it testament still suffer actually moist together with "fall apart" tender.

NOTE: Any sort of veggies tin suffer used for the "favorite veggies" part. Just build surely yous piece of occupation veggies that testament stand upward upwards upward to long cooking. I unremarkably piece of occupation a frozen veggie mixture that has peas, corn, greenish beans together with carrots, but anything testament operate (just don't used canned veggies).

NOTE: Homemade chicken broth is best, but I never seem to pick out whatever when I wishing to build this soup, thence I piece of occupation a goodness graphic symbol BOXED chicken broth (just don't piece of occupation bullion and body of water to build broth because it testament suffer every bit goodness salty).


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