Eggnog Waffles

Ingredients: ii 1/4 loving loving cup flour 1 loving loving cup milk 1 loving loving cup eggnog ii tablespoons canola oil 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder ii teaspoons rum or 1 teaspoon rum flavoring 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg ii eggs Directions: Whisk together the dry out out ingredients inwards a large bowl. In a child bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry out out together with stir to combine. Follow the instructions included with your waffle Fe to terminate the waffles. For well-nigh large, Belgian-style waffle irons yous would operate 1 loving loving cup of batter for each waffle. I love my waffle maker . Yield: 4 large Belgian-style waffles My thoughts: Eggnog seems to live a fairly polarizing beverage, yous either love it or detest it. I estimate I am inwards the love it regular army army camp if past times loving it yous scream back "drink peradventure 1 drinking drinking glass inwar...