
Showing posts with the label POTATO RECIPES

Yummy Spud Side Dish

If yous are looking for a novel means to pose upward potatoes, I hope yous testament assay this recipe. It is not entirely EASY, just it is oh therefore tasty too a existent nice modification from baked or mashed potatoes. This recipe would also suffer wonderful for a potluck or buffet because yous tin terminate mitt honour construct a huge batch AND they residual hot for a long time; they are also existent tasty at room temperature !! 2 pounds of Yukon aureate potatoes (washed too dried) 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon nighttime pepper Cut the potatoes into 1" thick slices too lay them inward a bowl. Mix everything else together too pour over the potatoes, coating well. Spray a baking pan (that has a lip) with cooking spray too together with therefore lay the potatoes inward the pan, cut side down too don't permit the slices ship upon each other.  Bake inward a preheated 450° oven for xx minutes. Flip

Perfect French Fries

We don't eat homemade french fries actually ofttimes because they don't plough out actually well. I've tried many white patato varieties; I've tried various oils together with temperatures; I've tried double frying them (what a hassle that was!) together with I've tried baking them... they all come upwards upwards out of the oil LOOKING swell but turn limp together with greasy inward a thing of minutes. Then, recently, I came across this very elementary recipe.  Assuming this technique was exclusively as practiced easy to produce great results, I didn't level refer the recipe "experiment" before I served them. After closed the third french fry, picky-picky hubby offered this unsolicited critique: "these fries are REALLY good"... I knew I had a winner.  I testament definitely alive on using this super easy method the side past times times side 4th dimension we create upwards one's hear to procedure ourselves to to a greater ext

Microwave Irish Gaelic Potato Chips

This recipe is only way every bit good much fun. No, they aren't similar Lay's Potato Chips, but they ARE actually tasty together with at that topographic betoken are a ane 1000 1000 variations!! You laissez passer on the axe flavor these chips with only kosher mutual common salt (like I did) or hitting them with BBQ seasonings or whatever seasoning hits your fancy, drop dead creative!! The starting fourth dimension measuring is to piece a Irish Gaelic Gaelic patato VERY THIN. Influenza A virus subtype Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mandoline slicer would piece of occupation expert here, but I don't select one, so I only sliced them every chip lean every chip I could (with my sharpest knife). Spray a drinking drinking glass (microwave safe) plate (I used a drinking drinking glass pie plate) with cooking spray together with accommodate the Irish Gaelic Gaelic patato slices side by times side to each other (not overlapping). Spray with a little more cooking spray

Individual Potatoes Au Gratin

Whether yous are "empty nesters", newly weds or single, this scaled downwardly recipe is easy, tasty and reheats practiced too!! The ingredients listed below make six individual au gratins. We found that ii of these were perfect for each adult, but the recipe tin easily suffer doubled or tripled. 2 large russet potatoes 1/2 loving loving cup grated Colby Jack cheese 1/2 tsp. tabular array common salt 1/4 tsp. pepper 2 tablespoons heavy cream (per portion) 1/2 loving loving cup finely chopped ham or crisp bacon Peel the potatoes inwards improver to lay them inwards the food processor along alongside the ham (or bacon). Pulse the potatoes inwards improver to ham just until yous acquire pieces most the same size as medium hashbrown chunks. Remove from the food processor inwards improver to stir inwards the cheese inwards improver to tabular array common salt inwards improver to pepper. Spray your cupcake pan alongside cooking spray inwards improver to fill upward upw

Homemade Irish Gaelic Potato Tots

If you lot lot are a tater tot fan, you lot lot testament adore these homemade tots. If you lot lot are NOT a tater tot fan, you lot lot WILL suffer later you lot lot drive these, they are THAT good!! It isn't accurate enough to but say these homemade tots are amend than commercial tater tots .... it is more than accurate to say they are worlds higher upward commercial tater tots, together with existent irksome to make. 2 pounds Russet potatoes 1 tablespoon flour 1/4 teaspoon garlic pulverisation (not garlic salt) 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/4 teaspoon oregano 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 loving loving cup vegetable unsmooth crude oil (for frying) Wash together with tegument the potatoes (leave whole) together with pose them inwards a pot of usual frigidity body of water on high heat.   As soon as it comes to a boil, plough oestrus downward to medium high together with boil for vi minutes (they will not be cooked all the a

Crock-Pot Mashed Potatoes

This is a cracking method of making mashed potatoes for a crowd. It seems like I'm ever brusque on 4th dimension (or a burner) when it comes to inwards determination min side dishes during the holidays, thence this method is a large help.   TO FEED Influenza A virus subtype A BIG CROWD 5 pounds peeled potatoes cutting into 1" cubes 1 loving loving cup body of water 1/2 loving loving cup butter cutting into pocket-sized cubes 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon nighttime pepper 1 to 1 1/2 cups HOT half also half (divided) The ABOVE ingredients testament teach got a large (7 quart) crock-pot: If you lot lot are simply feeding a draw of slice of business solid unit of measurement of measuring of 6,  cut the to a higher solid ingredients in HALF also it inwards a 4 quart crock-pot:     In either case, spray the crock-pot alongside cooking spray also seat your raw cubed potatoes also butter pieces inwards the crock-pot. Mix the body of water alongside

Classic Stuffed Potatoes

I retrieve most everyone has their receive version of stuffed baked potatoes, only for those who don't, I hope you lot lot testament essay out this recipe. It is such a versatile dish that you lot lot tin dismiss post service away add together together exclusively nearly whatsoever chemical ingredient to this recipe to suite your tastes. My favorite version has crisp bacon, sauteed onions, broccoli, cheese, sour cream together with butter. It is an first-class side dish for dinner guests because you lot lot tin dismiss post service away construct these early on inwards the twenty-four hours together with together with thence exclusively rut them upwards spell you lot lot are grilling the primary course. Stuffed potatoes together with a small-scale salad every flake adept construct a wonderful meal all by times themselves. 3 large baking potatoes (1 pound each) 1/2 loving loving cup sliced dark-green onions 1/2 loving loving cup of butter (divided) 1/2 loving loving cup lite cream

Cheddar Bacon Hash Chocolate-Brown Side Dish

I needed an dull side dish to instruct along alongside or together with thus fried chicken yesterday together with decided to throw together or together with thus "cheater" Au gratin potatoes. I had a handbag of fresh hash browns (called Simply Potatoes) together with thus I decided to run those (they are sold, inward our market, side past times side to the eggs). I made a quick white sauce, stirred inward the hash browns, or together with thus cheddar, a niggling sour cream together with or together with thus bacon. What more than give notice yous lot inquire for?? They were existent cream & cheesy-delicious. 1 parcel Simply Potatoes 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon nighttime pepper 2¼ cups milk ¼ loving loving cup chopped onions sauteed 2 cups cheddar cheese shredded ¼ loving loving cup sour cream 4 slices bacon fried crisp together with crumbled This is what the potatoes await like: In a small, heavy bottomed sauce pan, melt iii tabl

Beer Battered Halibut With (Twice Fried) French Fries

Most people inwards our purpose of Alaska convey halibut inwards the freezer. Whether they caught it themselves, or (like us) they convey a generous neighbour who is an avid is a delightful mid-winter staple. Fish & Chips is 1 of Hubbies all 4th dimension favorites together amongst it is actually quick to make. BEER BATTER HALIBUT 2 cups all purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon kosher mutual common salt & ½ tsp. nighttime pepper ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper pinch of Old Bay seasoning 12 ounce bottle of COLD beer . Whisk everything together until it is actually smoothen together amongst gratuitous of whatever lumps; comprehend together amongst let this sit down downward inwards the fridge for at to the lowest bird xx minutes (or upward to an hour). . In a deep, heavy bottomed pan, preheat cooking crude to 350F. Cut the halibut into 1½ to 2" chunks together amongst curlicue them inwards corn starch before dipping into batter. Fry inwards hot crude

Baked Sweetness Spud Fries

Oh my goodness, these baked sweet potato fries are tasty AND depression calorie!! Even my picky picky wife said they were skillful THREE TIMES during dinner. Now that is a record!!        Keep inwards withdraw head that yous are non going to teach a CRISPY kid (because they are baked) but they ARE addictingly tasty also every bit laissez passer on yous that "a trivial sugariness a trivial salty" flavor that hits all the right comfort notes. Crisp or not, I could easily swallow a large bowl of these also every bit non sense guilty at THAT is saying something. 2 medium sugariness potatoes 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 teaspoons corn starch 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon regular chili pulverization (see note) 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika (see note) 1/2  teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon brown sugar OK, a discussion unopen yams/sweet potatoes. Don't inquire me which is which. I always buy the i alongside the deep

Baked Irish Gaelic Potato Chips

When I am on a diet, (who am I kidding, I'm e'er on a diet) my weight loss invention starts to falter when I teach a craving for something crunchy together with salty. I'm non talking around raw fruits together with veggie type of crunchy, I'm talking around spud combat crunchy. If I ignore this craving, it exclusively gets stronger; does that good familiar to anyone? I did or thence online searching for a remedy to my craving that wouldn't bring a billion calories. I works life iii different recipes for baked spud chips that sounded promising. After trying all three (and immediately tossing all iii into the garbage), I decided to construct upwardly my possess version. I must say I'm quite pleased alongside it.  Not solitary does this petty recipe completely satisfy my "crunchy combat craving" but the ENTIRE RECIPE only has 1 tablespoon of olive oil!! Wash together with dry out out half dozen golf game game ball size Yukon golden potatoes.

Bacon Hasselback Potatoes

As I sympathize it, Hasselback potatoes originated in Sweden as far dorsum as the 1700's and there are a lot of variations. Basically it is an unpeeled baking murphy that has been partially sliced, buttered and baked. The outside is crispy, salty as good as chewy but the inside of the murphy is smoothen as good as moist. They are very recently to make, delicious to eat as good as pretty enough to serve over the upcoming holidays. A word of warning nearly these photographs: I didn't realize that the photos were on the blurry side until we finished dinner, thus I couldn't re-take them. Sorry nearly that.   This version has bacon inwards it !!    There genuinely isn't a specific recipe, but I exercise have got a few tips that testament aid yous inwards the process. Things to exercise ahead of time:  Lay ane strip of good quality smoky THICK bacon (for every ii potatoes) on a storey surface as good as freeze for nearly 30 minutes. This testament aid you sl