Pineapple Squares - The Perfect Potluck Dessert

The corking cooks over at Mennonite Girls Can Cook posted this recipe a few days ago. Their top dog recipe was for a 9" x 13" pan (I made a pie). It was a picayune soft for a pie, therefore side by times side 4th dimension I'm definitely making the 9"x13", b ut man-o-man is it delicious!!! It is super unproblematic to throw together inwards add-on to it keeps beautifully inward the fridge for iii or iv days. If yous lot bring a potluck, clit of slice of labor company unit of measurement of measuring gathering, or companionship coming this weekend, I hope yous lot give this recipe a try; it testament suffer a large hitting with everyone from the picayune guys to Grandpa!! CRUST 2½ cups graham cracker crumbs (see note) ½ loving loving cup melted butter (I added ¼ loving loving cup of white sugar) Mix inwards add-on to press into a 9" x 13" baking dish inwards add-on to bake at 350F for 12 minutes therefore cool. . PUDDING LAYER 1 box vanilla pudding ...