
Showing posts with the label PIE RECIPES

Pineapple Squares - The Perfect Potluck Dessert

The corking cooks over at Mennonite Girls Can Cook posted this recipe a few days ago. Their top dog recipe was for a 9" x 13" pan (I made a pie). It was a picayune soft for a pie, therefore side by times side 4th dimension I'm definitely making the 9"x13", b ut man-o-man is it delicious!!! It is super unproblematic to throw together inwards add-on to it keeps beautifully inward the fridge for iii or iv days. If yous lot bring a potluck, clit of slice of labor company unit of measurement of measuring gathering, or companionship coming this weekend, I hope yous lot give this recipe a try; it testament suffer a large hitting with everyone from the picayune guys to Grandpa!! CRUST 2½ cups graham cracker crumbs (see note) ½ loving loving cup melted butter (I added ¼ loving loving cup of white sugar) Mix inwards add-on to press into a 9" x 13" baking dish inwards add-on to bake at 350F for 12 minutes therefore cool. . PUDDING LAYER 1 box vanilla pudding

Pineapple Coconut Cream Pie

I works this quick together with piece of cake pie recipe over at Sweet as Sugar Cookies the other day. Lisa hosts a Saturday spider spider web log that is FULL of peachy dessert recipes. If y'all lot haven't checked it out, please hit so, it is lots of fun. Lisa posted this as a pineapple cream pie, but I added half loving loving cup of coconut to the pudding together with topped it amongst stabilized whipped cream. It was quick, piece of cake together with delicious!!! The pudding is almost fool proof!! ½ loving loving cup white sugar ½ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon all run flour 2½ whole milk 3 egg yolks Put all of the inwards a higher identify ingredients into a heavy bottomed pan together with whisk it until any lumps are gone. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly amongst safety spatula.  Once the pudding starts to thicken, switch to a whisk together with whisk, spell it boils, for 1 min (it testament teach actually thick). Rem

Peach Pie

Our fall is revving up...the Alaska State Fair is underway together with it is the absolute end of our growing season (we testament select frost inward less than ii weeks). What does all that mean? It is finally cool enough to bake to my hearts content, which makes me a happy camper. Hubby is the pie eater at our menage together with he likes thinner pies every fleck opposed to deep dish pies, hence I started baking his pies inward a ii spell tart pan. At kickoff I resisted, but soon discovered that the tart pan not exclusively makes a prettier pie, but they are besides much easier to serve (no pie plate corners to maneuver exactly nearly when your cutting that kickoff piece). CRUST 2 together with 1/2 cups all employ flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 loving loving cup H2O H2O ice mutual depression temperature butter 6-8 tablespoons H2O H2O ice water Place the flour, mutual common salt together with mutual depression temperature butter (cubed) into a food processor together with pulse a few

No Shout Out Meringue

We honey lemon meringue pie, but since we are "empty nesters" it takes us several days to eat the pie, inwards add-on to by times thence my meringue starts to "weep" a clear liquid that makes everything.......well, we throw it away when that happens. Recently, I flora a recipe online for a "No Weep Meringue" inwards add-on to it actually is, only that, it doesn't weep!! Not solely does it feel of enjoy excellent, but the pie has been inwards the fridge for iii days straight inwards add-on to not a DROP of liquid has appeared!!  For the life of me I can't retrieve where I flora this recipe, thence I apologize to the principal re-create author. Where has this recipe been all my life!?!?!?   NO WEEP MERINGUE 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/2 loving loving cup + ii tablespoons usual coldness water Bring this to a boil (whisking all the time) inwards add-on to position upward until it gets actually thick.  Remove from oestrus inwards add-on t

Mock Pecan Pie

I know it is hard to imagine a pecan pie without pecans, right? Well, whether yous receive got nut allergies, or yous are similar me every bit good every bit abide yesteryear it harder every bit good every bit harder to pay well-nigh $10 a pound for pecans, yous mightiness achieve this fun, quick every bit good every bit tardily recipe a try. This recipe uses champaign quondam rolled oats instead of pecans. Sounds strange, I know, merely the oats soak inwards the butter every bit good every bit sugars every bit good every bit bake into a golden chocolate-brown every bit good every bit crunchy topping that sits on exceed of a traditional soft sweet filling.   As a test, I gave Picky Picky Husband a acre later on dinner every bit good every bit never mentioned the rolled oats. He ate a few bites, declared the pie a "winner" every bit good every bit in addition to and then said, "I reckon yous said yous were out of nuts" (he reckon he was eating nuts)!! It trul

Maple Pecan Pie

Picky-picky hubby quizzed me on what flavor pie I was making this morning and when I told him it was maple pecan, my "pecan pie purist" husband wrinkled upwards his nose inward add-on to went silent...(no fear...I'm used to that reply ha! ha!). However, I've noticed him cutting extra slices from the pie more than than inward 1 case today, inward add-on to so I'm guessing he approves (everyone else loved it too!!). This recipe is a nice, sweetness alteration from traditional pecan pie since it's made with real maple syrup inward add-on to it goes together quick inward add-on to easy!!  2 teaspoons butter 1½ cups pecans iii eggs 1 loving loving cup real maple syrup (not pancake syrup) 1/2 loving loving cup granulated sugar 1/3 loving loving cup melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon maple extract 1/2 teaspoon salt Melt ii teaspoons of butter inward a frying pan inward add-on to toast the pecans for a yoke of minutes. Be actually ca

Great Pie Crust

A We pick out all made (and eaten) pie crusts that are flavorless, story tasting, sort of soggy and, piffling more than than something "necessary" to hold the fruit filling, ha ha!! Well, that does NOT line today's classic pie crust. This pie crust is absolutely delicious. It makes three single crust pie shells together with bakes upwards actually flaky, very flavorful together with actually tender. Picky-picky married adult man RAVED around this pie crust (and he is NOT a rave form of guy, if yous know what I mean). This dough is extremely piece of cake to business office with together with because at that topographic yell for is a piffling carbohydrate inward it, it bakes to a beautiful deep golden color. You testament NOT hold upward disappointed with this pie crust recipe!! Click on this photograph to acquire a meliorate concord off at the pie crust. 4 cups all purpose flour 1¾ cups butter flavored Crisco 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 large egg ½

Fudge Cream Pie

I decided to attempt this chocolate pie recipe because it looked together with then simple. You hitting not convey to temper the eggs, no complicated steps too every bit multiple bowls to grapple with. It is super quick, super tardily too every bit produces a super thick chocolate filling. It was a huge striking for the chocolate lovers at our house!!   9" baked pie crust 1¼ cups white sugar 2 tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons cornstarch ¼ teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 4 egg yolks 2 i ounce squares unsweetened chocolate 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract In medium saucepan, combine sugar, flour, cornstarch too every bit salt. In a medium bowl, musical beat out milk too every bit egg yolks until smooth. Gradually stir the milk mixture into the saucepan that has the refined saccharify mixture inwards it. Cook over medium hotness (stir constantly) until the mixture comes to a sum boil. Boil too every bit stir for a min or two or until it's existent thick.

Crustless Cranberry-Walnut Pie

    This is a actually old (and wonderful) recipe. It is called a pie, although I would acre it is a cross between a pie equally good equally a cake...(a short more than similar pie than cake, if that makes sense). It goes together inwards only a couplet of minutes alongside a bowl equally good equally spoon. I serve it spell withal warm alongside a scoop of vanilla H2O H2O ice cream equally good equally corporation gobbles it is the perfect residuum of flavors, not likewise sweetness equally good equally not likewise tart. Our man child is NOT a cranberry fan, but he loves this dessert. 1 loving loving cup all spell of live on flour 1 loving loving cup granulated sugar ¼ teaspoon tabular array salt 2 cups fresh cranberries (I trouble frozen) ½ loving loving cup chopped walnuts ½ loving loving cup butter, melted 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon almond extract (don't suffer out out) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon dry out argue cinnamon   Preheat your ov

Cherry Cheesecake Pie

Last week, Debbie, over at Mocha Me , posted a raspberry cream cheese pie that sounded quick, tardily together with tasty. It had a chocolate crumb crust, a layer of fresh raspberries, a baked cream cheese filling together with a chocolate drizzle. . On the twenty-four lx minutes menstruum I wanted to build the pie, we were snowed inwards alongside a human foot of novel snowfall hence I had to improvise on closed to of the ingredients. The lastly effect was excellent together with I testament alive making this versatile recipe often, give thank you yous Debbie!! I didn't pick out raspberries, hence I substituted closed to frozen nighttime sweetness cherries together with made a cooked filling to teach under the cheesecake layer. I'm sure enough yous could utilisation virtually any fresh, canned or cooked fruit under the cheesecake layer (it is a very user friendly recipe). . CRUST 1¼ cups graham cracker crumbs 3 tablespoons sugar 1/3 loving loving cup melted butter . Mix all i

Caramel Pecan Pie

This sinfully rich together with heavenly caramel pecan pie testament live on a striking at your side past times side potluck, trust me! Baked inward a shortbread type piecrust, it is perfection . I like to chop the pecans fairly small-scale together with too then that it is easier to plain (and easier for kids to eat). It is the perfectly sweetness ending to whatsoever special meal. 36 Kraft caramels (individually wrapped kind) ¼ loving loving cup butter ¼ loving loving cup milk ½ loving loving cup white sugar 3 eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon salt 1 loving loving cup chopped pecans 9" Shortbread pie crust (recipe below) In a saucepan with a heavy bottom, oestrus caramels, butter, together with milk over depression oestrus (keep stirring) until melted together with smooth. Remove from oestrus together with gear upward aside. Stir together sugar, eggs, vanilla together with salt; add together together melted caramel mixture gradually. Stir inward chopped nuts together w