Brandy Snaps

If yous wishing to impress your guests, create about of these Brandy Snaps for them. They hold off thence elegant equally good equally they are definitely not something yous consider on every dessert tray.

A hard candy musical rhythm filled amongst sweetened whipped I select your attention yet?  Pretty fool proof if yous follow my extra tips below printed inwards RED, AND yous tin postal service away create them days inwards advance equally good equally create amount them but before your guests arrive. 

Brandy Snaps are basically a crisp, sweet, lacy, candy musical rhythm that yous tin postal service away create amount amongst sweetened whipped cream or your favorite mousse.

They hold off existent hard to make, but it is an illusion; they are pretty boring if yous pay attention to the tips below inwards RED.

2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons white corn syrup
1/4 loving loving cup butter  (I used exclusively iii tablespoons)
2 teaspoons brandy (or) 1 teaspoon vanilla (I used rum extract)
1/4 loving loving cup all purpose flour

Since this whole physical care for goes VERY fast, it is best to have everything railroad train before yous rootage cooking the higher upward ingredients.

Preheat your oven to 350° equally good equally delineate concern a cookie canvass amongst parchment paper (important). These candy shells REALLY spread every flake they cook, thence only plan on making six of them on each cookie sheet.

Mix the sugar, corn syrup equally good equally butter inwards a pocket-sized saucepan. STIR over medium oestrus until the mixture is proficient equally good equally bubbling, equally good equally thence accept from oestrus equally good equally stir inwards the flour equally good equally flavoring.

Drop one measuring teaspoon (per candy shell) of the cooked mixture onto the parchment paper. This testament spread out into a circle most 4" inwards diameter every flake it bakes for most 6 to 7 minutes, but ticker them existent carefully afterward half-dozen minutes, every flake they tin postal service away motility from caramel colored to DARK existent fast. It sounds tricky, but it isn't.

My candy circles were fairly pale inwards color until they striking the 6 minute flat inwards my electrical oven, but they were a beautiful lite caramel color at 6 1/2 minutes.

When they select turned a dainty lite caramel color, accept from the oven equally good equally let them sit down downward on the cookie canvass for most 30 seconds. If they hold off a piddling oily, LIGHTLY dab them amongst a paper towel.

Use a pointed knife equally good equally nurture the edge of the candy circle up a piddling thence that yous tin postal service away consider it amongst your fingers (be careful, this is VERY  hot). One at a time, chop-chop curlicue the candy circle around the travelling steal of a wooden spoon (they testament cool most forthwith equally good equally tally their shape).

Once yous sort it about the spoon handle, it testament straightaway alive on cool enough to slide the candy subway off of the handle, equally good equally it's done!! 

If the other candies learn equally good "hard" to roll, ready them back inwards the oven for xxx seconds or thence (but that shouldn't alive on a problem, as they rest fairly pliable every flake long every flake they are on the hot cookie sheet), they exclusively motility rigid 1 fourth dimension they cool off.


I didn't chore a spoon handle, I used about metallic element cannoli tubes I select equally good equally they worked perfectly (no postulate to grease the spoon handle).

Keep the cooled candy tubes inwards an air tight container until yous are railroad train to serve them. Fill them amongst sweetened whipped cream (the candy tubes tin postal service away alive on filled up to most an hour before serving).

Don't alive on scared off past whatsoever of my "warnings' most this recipe, it may good complicated, but it truly is pretty easy equally good equally I hope yous examine it.

NOTE: I substituted rum extract for the vanilla, the candy tasted like butterscotch. I hateful value ANY extract would work.

NOTE: You don't select to create amount these amongst whipped cream. Almost whatsoever mousse like whipped filling would motility wonderfully.



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