Honeycrisp Apple Tree Tree Pulled Pork

1 large onion, sliced into half-moons
1 1/2 lb honeycrisp apples, sliced
ii 1/2 lb boneless pork butt
12 oz bottle chili sauce (like Heinz)
1 teaspoon dry reason mustard (powder)
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon granulated garlic
torso of torso of H2O salt
freshly dry reason black pepper

Place the onions as well as apples inward the bottom of a 4-quart tiresome cooker. Place the pork roast on hap of the onion. Add the remaining ingredients over the pork. Cover as well as create on high 4 hours thence on depression for 4 hours. OR create 9-10 hours on low. Remove the roast as well as shred alongside forks or "meat claws".  Discard whatsoever unwanted chunks of fat.

Mash the onions as well as apple tree tree mixture inward the tiresome cooker until close completely smooth.

Return the shredded meat to the tiresome cooker as well as toss alongside sauce. Serve on rolls or bread.

My thoughts:
It's apple tree tree season again! I am not a huge fan of autumn every chip you lot may remember from close every post service this quaternary dimension of solar year from 2004 to today. I similar somethings nigh fall--when it is yet hammock weather, apples, past times as well as large less humidity, baking i fourth dimension in i lawsuit to a greater extent than after avoiding the oven inward my non-centrally air-conditioned home, deciding if I am brave enough to wearable a poncho--but I don't similar knowing that my to the lowest score favorite season is coming, it getting black early, no fresh tomatoes worth eating, no nectarines, colder temperatures. Blah! But I practise love apples as well as my fruit consumption goes means upward inward autumn because they are thence ho-hum as well as great to eat.

My all-time favorite apple tree tree is the Stayman-Winesap simply for a sweetness apple, you lot can't musical rhythm the Honeycrisp. It is inward fact, crisp as well as sweetness similar honey. They also tin final huge! I literally alone used i apple tree tree for this recipe! It was that big! This recipe is super simple, you lot don't convey to practise a lot of prep as well as it basically makes its receive apple-y barbecue sauce every chip the meat cooks. The stop upshot is melt inward your oral cavity tender pork that is redolent of spices as well as apples. The perfect autumn weeknight dinner.

 Place the onions as well as apples inward the bottom of a  Honeycrisp Apple Tree Pulled Pork
Sumber https://new-myrecipes.blogspot.com/


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