Hot Spinach Together Amongst Artichoke Dip

Party season is coming upward every bit good every bit if you lot lot are like me, you lot lot are starting to surf the Internet for that "next novel every bit good every bit exciting" appetizer or political political party snack recipe. I hap all of those "potential recipes" inwards a folder on my desk every bit good every bit inwards 1 case inwards a slice I concord off through it every bit good every bit acre to myself..."what was I thinking?!?"  So much for belatedly dark Internet surfing I guess!!

Today's post service is 1 of those traditional "never fail" recipes that seems to please everyone. I hold upward inwards with depression obese ingredients entirely you lot lot can't say it. This tasty dip is hot every bit good every bit creamy (it stays hot for a slice which is nice)and rattling ho-hum to make.

Party season is coming upward every bit good every bit if you lot lot are like me Hot Spinach Together With Artichoke Dip 8 ounce cream cheese (low obese ok)
1/4 cup sour cream (low obese ok)
1/4 loving loving cup Parmesan cheese (grated, not powdered)
1/4 cup Romano cheese (grated)
2 cloves garlic minced (I used roasted from jar)
1/2 teaspoon dry out out basil
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
salt every bit good every bit pepper to taste
(1) 14 oz. tin artichoke hearts (rinsed)
1/2 loving loving cup ruddy bell pepper (chopped finely)
10 ounces fresh infant spinach
1/4 cup shredded Monterrey Jack cheese

Plunge fresh spinach into boiling H2O for well-nigh xxx seconds, stimulate got away every bit good every bit put into large bowl of H2O H2O ice H2O to halt the cooking. Drain every bit good every bit squeeze dry every bit good every bit nigh chop.

Drain the artichokes every bit good every bit rinse under usual depression temperature running water, every bit good every bit together with therefore chop into small-scale pieces.

Mix everything together every bit good every bit solid inwards a (lightly greased) small-scale oven proof dish. Bake at 350F for 25 minutes. Serve with pita chips or any sturdy cracker.

Party season is coming upward every bit good every bit if you lot lot are like me Hot Spinach Together With Artichoke Dip NOTE: This tin besides end baked inwards a hollowed out breadstuff bowl instead of a baking dish.  



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