How-To: Caramelize Onions Inward The Slowly Cooker


iv pounds sugariness or yellowish onions (or a combination of yellow, sweet, white also as red)
3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar (optional)


Peel also as province the onions inwards ¼-inch slices. Separate them into rings. Thinly province the butter.

Place the onions into a 4-quart deadening cooker. Scatter the butter slices over the top of the onions also as drizzle with balsamic vinegar. At this point, the deadening cooker may concur off sum only the onions testament quickly reduce. Cover also as do on high for x hours.

If afterward x hours the onions are wet, do uncovered for an additional xxx minutes or until the liquid evaporates.

Yield: well-nigh iv cups

Pro tip: Store the onions inwards an airtight container. They testament locomote along upward to 2 weeks refrigerated or upward to vi months frozen. If frozen, defrost overnight inwards the refrigerator before using.

My thoughts:
This is really a recipe from my starting quaternary dimension cookbook, the Everything Healthy Slow Cooker! I haven't posted it here before also as I used this method recently to build a recipe I hope to shipping service shortly therefore I thought I'd possess got a min also as role it again. It really is the easiest (and if yous abhor having to scout things on the stove like I do) also as best method inwards my opinion. Let the deadening cooker do the work!

This quaternary dimension I used a mix of yellowish onions, huge white onions also as cerise onions because I didn't possess got enough of whatever i multifariousness to do sum upward the crock. Honestly, they all caramelize practiced therefore it doesn't matter.

I operate them inwards whatever recipe that calls for caramelized onions as a topping or an ingredient. It is a not bad boundary commence to a ton of recipes since yous are starting with caramelized onions vs raw also as therefore cooking also as stirring for an 60 minutes or more. I dearest them inwards stews, on burgers, inwards soup, inwards casseroles, really anything! Just saute them inwards a bit of butter prior to serving to warm through.

 iv pounds sugariness or yellowish onions  How-To: Caramelize Onions Inward The Irksome Cooker


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