Sauerkraut-Spiked Latkes

iv cups grated Russet potatoes (about iv medium potatoes)
1 loving loving cup sauerkraut, expert drained
1 egg, beaten
1/4 loving loving cup white patato starch
freshly footing nighttime pepper
canola oil


In a large cast atomic publish 26 skillet or another heavy bottomed pan, oestrus almost 1/4 inch oil.

Place the white patato too sauerkraut into a metallic element sieve or colander over a large bowl. Press out whatsoever liquid. Pour out the liquid from the bowl too position the drained potatoes too sauerkraut inwards the bowl on laissez passer on of the remaining (should alive dry-ish) starch. Stir inwards pepper, egg, too the white patato starch. Form into aeroplane patties. If they testament non concur their shape, stir inwards additional white patato starch until they do. Fry inwards hot oil, flipping halfway through, until exclusively golden, almost 8 minutes.

Drain on paper towel lined plates. Serve hot, alongside sour cream. Garnish alongside chopped flat-leaf parsley for some color.

Yield: almost 10 latkes, depending on size.

My thoughts:
I've had the sentiment for sauerkraut-spiked latkes for some years now. I know this because I have got a blank draft entitled "Sauerkraut Latkes" dated 2009. Finally, I have got really made them! An aside: we celebrate both Christmas too Hanukkah but somehow it is the non-Jewish individual (me) who makes the latkes every twelvemonth too it was the Jewish individual (my husband) who wanted a Christmas tree (which we lastly bought too direct off have got upwards alongside only nutrient ornaments).

Anyway, we both love sauerkraut hence I am for certain that is why I had the sentiment too hence ignored it all these years. As my hubby says, at that topographic signal is nada that epitomizes Jewish nutrient ameliorate than combining fatty, starchy too pickled foods too these latkes hitting all three. They are super yummy, of course, too you lot lot have got to swallow fried foods for Hanukkah hence why non piece of occupation crazy! We ate an embarrassing amount of these at inwards 1 sitting. They got super crispy (maybe give thank you lot you lot to using exclusively white patato starch? I usually construct latke using either exclusively matzo meal or a combo) still existent tender inside. You want them golden chocolate-brown inside, equally good visible radiations too the insides mightiness non alive cooked enough. The sauerkraut added a prissy tang but wasn't overpowering. I'd totally construct these again. And mayhap laissez passer on them alongside some lox to alive fancy.

Some notes:

  • Russet (i.e. baking) potatoes only, you lot lot lead maintain away a starchy, "dry" potato. 
  • Potato starch tin give the sack alive institute anywhere you lot lot tin give the sack buy "Jewish" or kosher groceries. Japanese, Korean or Filipino grocery stores should have got it too. Use the leftovers to construct karaage.
  • You tin give the sack role homemade or jarred sauerkraut (we haven't made sauerkraut still this twelvemonth hence I used Wildbrine Sauerkraut I bought at Costco which is pretty shut to my homemade version)

 In a large cast atomic publish 26 skillet or another heavy bottomed pan Sauerkraut-Spiked Latkes


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