Tea-Chile Smoked Grilled Chicken Amongst Korean Spices

2 1/2 lb chicken thighs besides equally legs
for the marinade:
2 cloves garlic, grated
1 shallot, grated
1 inch ginger, grated
1/2 loving loving cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons Korean malt syrup
1 tablespoon coarse-ground Korean cherry-red pepper (kochukaru)
1 tablespoon sugar
for the tea-chile packet:
3 tablespoons unloosen white tea
8 dried cherry-red chiles
1/2 teaspoon water
Place the chicken inwards a nonreactive container. In a modest bowl, whisk together the marinade directions. Pour over the chicken. Seal besides equally refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Place the chiles besides equally tea inwards the middle of a medium-sized rectangle of foil. Sprinkle amongst the water. Fold the sides upwards to cast a packet. Poke holes inwards the packet amongst a fork. Place on the hot coals. Arrange the chicken on a greased grill. Cook covered besides equally vented until the chicken is thoroughly cooked through, turning halfway through the cooking time.

My thoughts:
This is around flavorful chicken. It isn't terribly spicy merely the spices permeate the chicken pieces making every seize amongst teeth every flake tasty every flake the last. The tea-chile packet adds a subtle smoky-spice flavor to the meat that truly sets it apart from other grilled chickens. The best part? Despite the intense flavor, it truly isn't any to a greater extent than difficult to construct than any other method of grilling chicken.

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