Warning To Young Human Existence Bloggers

A sweetness blogging friend belatedly emailed me together amongst said that she saw 1 of my recipe photos posted on unopen to other persons recipe blog. It was disturbing, simply it wasn't the set out (and inwards all probability non the last) quaternary dimension this has happened to me, together amongst thence I tried non to over react.

But today, totally by times accident, I ran across another spider spider web page (from Indonesia, no less!!) that had a TON of my recipes together amongst photos posted as if they were this persons ain work; non a single mention or link dorsum to my recipe page at all!! So I started looking roughly the Internet, together amongst I was shocked to come upward across how "common" this practice is. 

So far, it seems that all of my photos that were swiped, were one's I posted before 2011. I'm guessing that must be, because inwards 2011, I started putting my scream out on my recipe photos; evidently, people don't like to bag photos that are labeled (I wishing I had known that!!)

The funny thing is, is that I'm a terrible photographer!! Why are they stealing MY photos when at that topographic request are together amongst thence many dandy ones out there? Maybe mine are the ONLY ONES non labeled(?)

Lesson for the day:
PUT YOUR NAME ON ALL OF YOUR RECIPE PHOTOS MY FRIENDS!! together amongst non simply inwards the corner of the photograph either because I've had people tell me that "thieves" are simply cropping the authors scream out off of the edge of the photograph together amongst re-posting it.........Grrrrr!!

I am piece of cake going dorsum through together amongst labeling my former recipe photos, simply it is a pain to do.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Sumber https://new-myrecipes.blogspot.com/


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